Creativity — wealth & self-realization!

Skills for writing & thriving business

How easy is it to build the skills to write every day and keep growing your business?

3 min readNov 12, 2023

In past articles, I’ve written about why we need to become visible online and ways to test your hypotheses about making money with your writing.

It’s time to discuss the skills you’ll need to turn writing into a thriving business successfully.

Writing with pleasure while remaining a businessman!

Now all the technical issues are quite automated:

  • Convenient platforms for writers,
  • Payment systems,
  • Mailing lists,
  • Places for a business card site or blog.

There are only two items that need to be seriously worked on:

• Writing daily

• Maintain your passionate desire to gain a MILLION subscribers!


To do the first point, I use a simple technique. It’s called “Morning Pages “ and it’s described quite extensively on the internet. I started with 3 pages each morning, handwritten in a notebook. The passionate desire for success and prosperity, and eventually a significant improvement in your emotional state, helps you wake up half an hour earlier and make this exercise your morning habit. The benefits of doing it are invaluable!

You can write anything. Even just a set of words! 😄

Over time, the body, mind, and emotional state will adjust and you can get some good notes or short stories out of stream of consciousness.

The key is to fill 3 pages and stay satisfied that the day started with a well-done exercise!

Pretty soon the body is convinced that writing a couple of pages is nothing to it. And that’s exactly our goal. Nothing gets in the way of our success like the body and old ineffective habits. But soon realizing the benefits and relative simplicity quickly makes this exercise a favorite pastime.

Then running a small blog or communicating on social networks becomes more and more extensive and meaningful texts, and this is already “The Writer’s Way “.


With the second point, i.e. supporting the passionate desire to take my writing out of the box and start sharing my experiences before fully becoming a famous author or opinion leader, I did the following….

Found some contemporary writers who: are currently writing, promoting their work on their own.

I copy their actions.

If possible, very accurately repeating each step. There’s a good book on the subject. “Steal Like an Artist.” I do not want to retell it, I recommend to read and take its advice!

We are used to copying from childhood. Our whole lives are made up of copied words, actions, and beliefs. Take a closer look. You will see how much every action, reaction to an event, habits similar to parental, seen from friends or taken from the character of your favorite TV show.

So why not use this ability to develop your business? It’s much easier to follow a path than to wade through the bushes!

Over time one’s path will be worked out and it will be unique, but to start with, you have to repeat everything down to the smallest detail. What writes, what hooks, what appeals, what sells. We need to notice everything and apply it to our work!


Starting today, let’s start making ourselves a popular writer!

  • In the morning — “Morning Pages”!
  • During the day — imitate successful authors!

I plan to continue to talk about the practices and other steps here. If there is interest.
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The world is perfect and everyone in it is happy — only they don't know it yet!