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How to make money on the Internet?

A clear understanding of your skills and the needs of your customers makes life easier for an entrepreneur. And you need to learn to think like an entrepreneur.

3 min readNov 10, 2023

First of all, I’m going to outline a route to follow! You have to go back very often to check where you are. Look at the “Mile” markers regularly to make sure we are on the right track.

Counting of the willing

Getting started

There is a desire to do what you know how to do — but to take it to the next level. One where those skills start to be useful and suitably rewarding!

This is a starting point and it assumes that there is already a certain amount of knowledge and skill, it just needs to be strengthened and developed to a professional level that you want to show!

The most important skill for promotion on the Internet remains the ability to write. General literacy has done half the work for us. All that remains is to learn how to sell your skills.

Very happy coincidence :) writing and reading can easily turn into a brilliant professional career. Texts are everywhere: books, scripts, posts, even descriptions of pictures and comments on social networks are literary works that use writing and reading.
You need to bring it to a visible level, where people around you can see your texts, subscribe to your newsletter, or buy a ready-made course to solve their problems.

That writing and reading can easily turn into a brilliant professional career. Texts are everywhere: books, scripts, posts, even descriptions of pictures and comments on social networks are literary works that use writing and reading.
You need to bring it to a visible level, where people around you can see your texts, subscribe to your newsletter, or buy a ready-made course to solve their problems.

So there is a production tool. Now you have to find out what to sell and where to sell it.

What do we need to get to?

How do we know we’ve reached the interim goal?
There must be a real, measurable, and achievable event that shows that the goal has been achieved!
In our case, this could be selling a subscription, course, or ebook to 10 customers. The quality of the product is not important here (if anything, you can get your money back), the main thing is to show that you exist and that what you do or are going to do has value!

“It is like testing customer demand before opening a shop.
We make a sign saying “***” (it doesn’t have to write that 🙂 ), find a door that no one uses, hang the sign on it, and count the people who have pulled the handle. If no one has pulled the handle in a day, then the shop will not survive and there is no need to waste energy on it”.

In our case, it’s a social media account. I have one on Twitter. You can try that or use what you’re already using.

It’s about finding your way

  • Writing well is a skill — it’s a learned skill. There are practices.
  • How to make your account attractive is also not difficult to master

When there are people willing to buy, we will create a product. All moral doubts and insecurities do not matter!
The main thing is to find the customer’s, reader’s, or buyer’s need or pain.
We create a “door with a sign” and study consumer demand! If there is a demand, it is a matter of technology to meet it!


Where would you set up your counter, shop, or supermarket to sell your ideas, experience, knowledge, or maybe just to entertain visitors?

I plan to continue to talk about the practices and other steps here. If there is interest.
And you can support me by going to Ko-fi, below.




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