I write because I like it!

And I like it because while writing the text I can control my thoughts. It seems that at the time of writing the article, I am the master of my life. And this is a very pleasant feeling!

My wife and I in Dendrologischer Park Oleksandrija

It wasn’t always like that. Before I got acquainted with the amazing power of writing, when my mind was already tired of endlessly pondering the flow of garbage from all sources of information, but it was still unclear how to stop, I tried various practices and exercises. They passed seemed like an endless stream. Now I can sign out yoga, breathing practices, and “silence”, they have greatly advanced me in the ways of controlling my body and freed up space in my mind in order to start dealing with my life. The most powerful effect was produced by the “Practice of Silence” — it turned out to be a “door” to the subconscious. I fell in love with it and use it if there is no notepad or keyboard at hand. But the real surprise was ahead of me.

A miracle happened when I got acquainted with the Morning Pages! The essence of this exercise is to write in the early morning, before starting all your worries, THREE pages by hand in your notebook. It looks like another decision to do exercises in the morning, :) but magic happened to me. This exercise has drawn me in to such an extent that I want to wake up early and write! Every morning.

It happens that a meaningful text is obtained, but more often it is just a stream of consciousness that I do not reread. Usually, I just throw these diaries away. The value is not in the text. During this exercise, the whole world stops, the mind is cleared and I feel like the happiest person!

Strange as it may seem, the effect lasts for the rest of the day. The good mood and the ability to analyze are enhanced and the perception of reality passes through the filter before starting its destructive action. All the actions of such a charge are hard to put into words, you have to try!

One day an article on the Internet helped me learn this amazing exercise. I’ve been writing ever since and probably won’t be able to stop. I would like to share my experience, maybe it will be useful to someone else. But even if no one takes advantage of my testimony, I still write, because this is a conversation with my subconscious. Through the written text, I begin to understand my desires and dreams, and I like it!

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Trainings and practices for the development of creative abilities and the achievement of self-realization.

X or Twitter • ✉ RedkOleksii@gmail.com

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The world is perfect and everyone in it is happy — only they don't know it yet!